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WinDOS Variables

* are hidden dynamic variables

Local Variables

ALLUSERSPROFILE          Folder location: All Users (Common)
APPDATA                  Folder location: Application Data
CD                     * Current folder
CMDCMDLINE             * Command line for CMD.EXE session
LOGONSEVER               Domain controller at logon request
PROMPT                   Settings of command prompt
USERDOMAIN               Domain with user's account
USERNAME                 Name of the user currently logged on
USERPROFILE              User's profile folder

System variables

CMDEXTVERSION          * Version of Command Processor Extensions
COMPUTERNAME             NetBIOS name of the computer
ComSpec                  Location of command processor (CMD.EXE)
DATE                   * Current system date
ERRORLEVEL             * Error code of the last command
HOMEDRIVE                Letter of drive with user's home folder
HOMEPATH                 Path of user's home folder
HOMESHARE                Netpath of user's shared home folder
NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS     Amount of processors in the system
OS                       Name of the operating system
Path                     Path of executable files
PATHEXT                  Hierarchy of executable file extensions
PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE   Processor architecture (x86, IA64, ...)
PROCESSOR_IDENTFIER      Processor description
PROCESSOR_LEVEL          Processor model number
PROCESSOR_REVISION       Processor revision number
RANDOM                 * Pseudorandom number (0-32767)
SystemDrive              Letter of drive with system folder
SystemRoot               System folder (WINDOWS, WINNT, ...)
TEMP                     Temporary folder
TIME                   * Current system time
windir                   Folder location: WINDOWS

Other variables

CLIENTNAME               If logged on directly: Console
CommonProgramFiles       Folder location: Common Files
FP_NO_HOST_CHECK         Unknown, it says: NO
Os2LibPath               Folder with OS/2 libraries
ProgramFiles             Folder location: Program Files
SESSIONNAME              ConnectionName#SessionNumber or Console
TMP                      Temporary folder for older programs
WinBootDir               System folder in Windows prior to XP
WINSTATIONNAME           Session name in Windows NT 4.0

Exclusive DOS Variables

APPEND                   Data search path (set by APPEND /E)
CONFIG                   Item chosen from CONFIG.SYS menu
COPYCMD                  Options for MOVE, COPY, XCOPY commands
DIRCMD                   Options for DIR command
DOSSHELL                 Directory with DOSSHELL.INI
MSDOSDATA                Directory with config files
WINPMT                   Command prompt for session under Windows


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