Dark Necron
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Time -- Weight -- Angle -- Length -- Area -- Volume -- Speed --
Power -- Pressure -- Radiation -- Temperature


                   2 seconds

     1 heartbeat

                  30.436 875 days

     = 365.2425 [d] / 12

     1 month

                 365.2425 days

     = 146097 [d] / 400

     1 year

              146097 days

     = 365 days * 400 + 100 - 4 + 1

     = 400 years

     1 cycle

         60s =                   1m
         99s =                   1m 39s
        999s =                  16m 39s
       1080s =                  18m
       1081s =                  18m 01s
       1525s =                  25m 25s
       3600s =               1h         =                 60m
       3751s =               1h  2m 31s =                 62m 31s
       9999s =               2h 46m 39s =                166m 39s
      42000s =              11h 40m     =                700m
      55555s =              15h 25m 55s =                925m 55s
      65536s =              18h 12m 16s
      86400s =           1d             =            24h
      88888s =           1d     41m 28s =            24h  41m 28s
      99999s =           1d  3h 46m 39s =            27h  46m 39s
     101010s =           1d  4h  3m 30s =            28h   3m 30s
     604800s =           7d             =           168h
     999999s =          11d 13h 46m 39s =           277h  46m 39s
    2629746s =       1m                 =       30d  10h  29m  6s
    9999999s =       3m 24d 10h 19m 21s =      115d  17h  46m 39s
   31556952s =   1y                     =      365d   5h  49m 12s
   67108864s =   2y  1m 15d 19h 13m 34s =   2y  46d   5h  42m 40s
   99999999s =   3y  2m     19h 20m 51s =   3y  61d  16h  19m  3s
  268435456s =   8y  6m  2d  7h 56m  4s =   8y 184d  22h  50m 40s
  299792458s =   9y  6m         23m 34s =   9y 182d  15h  18m 10s
  999999999s =  31y  8m  8d  1h 28m 39s =  31y 251d  13h  21m 27s
 1234567890s =  39y  1m 14d  2h  3m 36s =  39y  44d  12h  32m 42s
 1999999999s =  63y  4m 16d  2h 57m 19s =  63y 137d  20h  53m 43s
 2999999999s =  95y     24d  4h 25m 59s
 3999999999s = 126y  9m  1d 19h 25m 33s = 126y 275d  17h  47m 27s
 4999999999s = 158y  5m  9d 20h 54m 13s = 158y 162d   1h  19m 43s
12622780800s = 400y


                   0.06479891 [g]

     1 grain (gr)

                   0.2 [g]

     1 carat (ct)

                   4.8 [g]

     The weight of a 24 carat diamond

                  31.1034768 [g]

     1 troy ounce (t oz) = 480 grains

                  28.349523125 [g]

     1 ounce (oz) = 437.5 grains

                 453.59237 [g]

     1 pound (lb) = 16 ounces = 7000 grains

                   6.35029318 [kg]

     1 stone = 14 pounds

                  12.70058636 [kg]

     1 tod = 2 stones

                  25.40117272 [kg]

     1 truss = 2 tods

                  50.80234544 [kg]

     1 hundredweight = 2 trusses

                 566.9904625 [g]

     20 ounces

                 902.0008272 [g]

     29 troy ounces

                  43.99845989 [kg]

     97 pounds


                   0.2617993877991494365385536152732919070~ [rad]

     = pi / 12 [rad]

     = 15 [deg]

     An hour angle

                   1.5707963267948966192313216916397514420~ [rad]

     = pi / 2 [rad]

     = 90 [deg]

     Right angle

                   3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841~ [rad]

     = pi [rad]

     = 180 [deg]

     Straight angle

                   6.2831853071795864769252867665590057683~ [rad]

     = 2 * pi [rad]

     = 360 [deg]

     = 400 [grad]

     = 6000 [mil] (Soviet)

     = 6400 [mil] (NATO)

     Perigon (full angle)


                   1 [m]

     10000000000 angstroms

                1066.78 [m]

     1 versta

                1852 [m]

     1 nautical mile

        149597870700 [m]

     1 astronomical unit (AU)

     The average distance of the Earth from the Sun

    9460730472580800 [m]

     = 299792458 [m/s] * 365.25 * 86400 [s]

     1 light-year

   30856775814671915.807871616093599612514853018460021328632~ [m]

     = 149597870700 [m] / tan((1 / 3600) * (Pi / 180))

     1 parsec

     The distance between a point in space and the Sun if the
     angle between the Sun and the Earth is 1 arcsecond (radians)

                   2.54 [cm]

     1 inch

                  30.48 [cm]

     1 foot = 12 inches

                  91.44 [cm]

     1 yard = 3 feet

                   1.524 [m]

     1 pace = 5 feet

                   4.572 [m]

     3 paces = 5 yards = 180 feet

                   5.0292 [m]

     1 pole = 198 inches

                  50.292 [m]

     10 poles = 33 paces

                 201.168 [m]

     1 furlong = 40 poles

                1609.344 [m]

     1 mile = 8 furlongs

                   8.991 6 [cm]

     = 0.354 inches

                  16.51 [cm]

     = 6.5 inches

                    127 [cm]

     = 50 inches

                    762 [cm]

     = 25 feet

                  22.86 [m]

     = 25 yards = 75 feet = 900 inches

                    381 [m]

     = 1250 feet

                   1143 [m]

     = 1250 yards


                   6.4516 [cm^2]

     1 square inch

                 929.0304 [cm^2]

     1 square foot = 144 square inches

                   0.20903184 [m^2]

     1 cubit = 324 square inches

                   0.83612736 [m^2]

     1 square yard = 4 cubits = 9 square feet

                  25.29285264 [m^2]

     1 perch = 121 cubits

                 101.17141056 [m^2]

     4 perchs = 121 square yards

                4046.8564224 [m^2]

     1 acre = 160 perchs

                   2.589988110336 [km^2]

     1 square mile

              242811.385344 [m^2]

     1 massacre = 60 acres

              242811 [m^2]

     = 459 [m] * 529 [m]

              242817.23823552 [m^2]

     = 502 [yd] * 578.5 [yd]

              242794.8466400335806413469312333731009022940~ [m^2]

     = pi * 278 [m] * 278 [m]

              242755.7215648142417856524774186363286558964~ [m^2]

     = pi * 304 [yd] * 304 [yd]


                   0.2 [l]

     1 stachan

                   0.4 [l]

     1 messel

                   0.16387064 [dl]

     1 cubic inch

                   0.56826125 [l]

     1 pint (UK)

                   1.1365225 [l]

     1 quart = 2 pints

                   4.54609 [l]

     1 gallon = 4 quarts

                   9.09218 [l]

     1 peck = 2 gallons

                  18.18436 [l]

     1 bucket = 2 pecks

                  28.316846592 [l]

     1 cubic foot

                  36.36872 [l]

     1 bushel = 2 buckets

                   2.8640367 [hl]

     1 hogshead = 63 gallons = 252 quarts = 504 pints

                   7.64554857984 [hl]

     1 cubic yard

                  22.9122936 [hl]

     8 hogsheads = 63 bushels

                  25.003495 [l]

     44 pints


                   1.609344 [km/h]

     1 mile per hour

                   1.852 [km/h]

     1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hour

                   3.6 [km/h]

     = 1 [m/s] * 3600 [s] / 1000

     1 benz

                1225.08 [km/h]

     1 mach

     The speed of sound in dry air at mean sea level and the
     temperature of 15 degrees Celsius


                   1 [kg.m/s^2]

     1 Newton

                   1 [kg.m^2/s^2]

     1 Joule = 1 [N.m]

                   1 [kg.m^2/s^3]

     1 Watt = 1 [N.m/s] = 1 [J/s]

               10^-5 [N]

     1 dyne (dyn)

                   9.80665 [N]

     1 kilopond

               10^-7 [J]

     1 erg

                   1.3558179483314004 [J]

     = 9.80665 [N] * 0.45359237 [kg] * 0.3048 [m]

     1 foot-pound (ft.lb)

                   4.1868 [J]

     1 calorie (cal)

                 735.49875 [W]

     = 9.80665 [N] * 75 [kg]

     1 metric horse-power (ps)

     1 horse

                 745.69987158227022 [W]

     = 1.3558179483314004 [J] * 33000 / 60 [s]

     = 33000 [ft.lb/min]

     1 mechanical horse-power (hp)

     James Watt determined by experiment that a horse could do
     33000 foot-pounds of work per minute

                 381 [J]

     91 calories


                   1 [kg/m.s]

     1 pascal (Pa)

                6894.75729 [Pa]

     1 pound per square inch (psi)

                1000 [Pa]

     1 pieze

              100000 [Pa]

     1 bar

              101325 [Pa]

     1 atmosphere (atm) = 760 Torr


                   1 [1/s]

     1 becquerel (Bq)

     The radioactivity (number of atoms that decay per second)
     of an element

                  30.948(3) [Bq]

     = 1.17 * 10^-4 [g] / 39.96399848(21) [g/mol] *
     * 6.022140857(74) * 10^23 [1/mol] *
     * ln(2) / (1.251(3) * 10^9 [y] * 31556952 [s/y])

     The radioactivity of 1 gram of potassium containing
     0.0117% K-40

                10^6 [Bq]

     1 rutherford (Rd)

           10^9 * 37 [Bq]

     1 curie (Ci)

     The radioactivity of 1 gram of Ra-226

                   1 [m^2/s^2]

     = 1 [J/kg]

     1 gray (Gy)

     The absorption of one joule of radiation energy per kilogram
     of matter

     1 sievert (Sv)

     The biological effect of the absorption of one joule of
     radiation energy per kilogram of human tissue

                   0.01 [Gy] or [Sv]

     1 rad = 1 rontgen equivalent man (rem)

     The dose causing 100 ergs of radiation energy to be absorbed
     by one gram of matter

                   5 [Gy] or [Sv]

     = 375 [J] / 75 [kg]

     The absorption of radiation energy by 75 kg adult leading to

     The lethal dose LD-50/30 required to kill a human with 50%
     risk within 30 days

                  10 [Gy]

     1000 rad

     The lethal dose LD-100/14 for human acute radiation syndrome

          10^-9 * 98 [Sv]

     Banana equivalen dose

                   0.5 [Sv]

     Occupational dose limit per year

           10^-3 * 0.258 [A.s/kg]

     1 rontgen (R)


     100 * Newton     =  33 * Celsius
       5 * Reaumur    =   4 * Celsius
       5 * Rankine    =   9 * Kelvin
      33 * Reaumur    =  80 * Newton

           Kelvin     =       Celsius    +  273.15
           Rankine    =       Fahrenheit +  459.67

       5 * Fahrenheit =   9 * Celsius    +  160
       5 * Rankine    =   9 * Celsius    + 2458.35
      40 * Romer      =  21 * Celsius    +  300
       9 * Kelvin     =   5 * Fahrenheit + 2298.35
      11 * Fahrenheit =  60 * Newton     +  352
      33 * Kelvin     = 100 * Newton     + 9013.95
      11 * Rankine    =  60 * Newton     + 5408.37
      22 * Romer      =  35 * Newton     +  165
       4 * Fahrenheit =   9 * Reaumur    +  128
       4 * Kelvin     =   5 * Reaumur    + 1092.6
       4 * Rankine    =   9 * Reaumur    + 1966.68
      32 * Romer      =  21 * Reaumur    +  240
       7 * Fahrenheit =  24 * Romer      +   44
      21 * Kelvin     =  40 * Romer      + 5436.15
       7 * Rankine    =  24 * Romer      + 3261.69

            300       =   2 * Delisle    +    3    * Celsius
           1272       =   6 * Delisle    +    5    * Fahrenheit
            746.3     =   2 * Delisle    +    3    * Kelvin
           1650       =  11 * Delisle    +   50    * Newton
           3358.35    =   6 * Delisle    +    5    * Rankine
           1200       =   8 * Delisle    +   15    * Reaumur
           1200       =   7 * Delisle    +   20    * Romer

                   0 [K]

     = -273.15 [C]

     = -459.67 [F]

     = 0 [R]

     Absolute zero

     The corresponding temperature point (0) on the Kelvin and
     Rankine scale

              233.15 [K]

     = -40 [C]

     = -40 [F]

     The corresponding temperature point (-40) on the Celsius and
     Fahrenheit scale

                241.15 [K]

     = -32 [C]

     = -25.6 [F]

     = -25.6 [Re]

     The corresponding temperature point (-25.6) on the
     Fahrenheit and Reaumur scale

             273.15 [K]

     = 0 [C]

     = 32 [F]

     = 0 [N]

     = 0 [Re]

     = 7.5 [Ro]

     The freezing point of water

     The corresponding temperature point (0) on the Celsius,
     Newton and Reaumur scale

              273.16 [K]

     = 0.01 [C]

     = 32.018 [F]

     The triple point of water at 611.657 pascals of partial
     vapor pressure

              333.15 [K]

     = 60 [C]

     = 60 [De]

     The corresponding temperature point (60) on the Celsius and
     Delisle scale

              358.15 [K]

     = 85 [C]

     = 185 [F]

              373.15 [K]

     = 100 [C]

     = 212 [F]

     = 80 [Re]

     = 60 [Ro]

     The boiling point of water

280 C = 536 F   140 C = 284 F      0 C =   32 F   -140 C = -220 F
275 C = 527 F   135 C = 275 F     -5 C =   23 F   -145 C = -229 F
270 C = 518 F   130 C = 266 F    -10 C =   14 F   -150 C = -238 F
265 C = 509 F   125 C = 257 F    -15 C =    5 F   -155 C = -247 F
260 C = 500 F   120 C = 248 F    -20 C =   -4 F   -160 C = -256 F
255 C = 491 F   115 C = 239 F    -25 C =  -13 F   -165 C = -265 F
250 C = 482 F   110 C = 230 F    -30 C =  -22 F   -170 C = -274 F
245 C = 473 F   105 C = 221 F    -35 C =  -31 F   -175 C = -283 F
240 C = 464 F   100 C = 212 F    -40 C =  -40 F   -180 C = -292 F
235 C = 455 F    95 C = 203 F    -45 C =  -49 F   -185 C = -301 F
230 C = 446 F    90 C = 194 F    -50 C =  -58 F   -190 C = -310 F
225 C = 437 F    85 C = 185 F    -55 C =  -67 F   -195 C = -319 F
220 C = 428 F    80 C = 176 F    -60 C =  -76 F   -200 C = -328 F
215 C = 419 F    75 C = 167 F    -65 C =  -85 F   -205 C = -337 F
210 C = 410 F    70 C = 158 F    -70 C =  -94 F   -210 C = -346 F
205 C = 401 F    65 C = 149 F    -75 C = -103 F   -215 C = -355 F
200 C = 392 F    60 C = 140 F    -80 C = -112 F   -220 C = -364 F
195 C = 383 F    55 C = 131 F    -85 C = -121 F   -225 C = -373 F
190 C = 374 F    50 C = 122 F    -90 C = -130 F   -230 C = -382 F
185 C = 365 F    45 C = 113 F    -95 C = -139 F   -235 C = -391 F
180 C = 356 F    40 C = 104 F   -100 C = -148 F   -240 C = -400 F
175 C = 347 F    35 C =  95 F   -105 C = -157 F   -245 C = -409 F
170 C = 338 F    30 C =  86 F   -110 C = -166 F   -250 C = -418 F
165 C = 329 F    25 C =  77 F   -115 C = -175 F   -255 C = -427 F
160 C = 320 F    20 C =  68 F   -120 C = -184 F   -260 C = -436 F
155 C = 311 F    15 C =  59 F   -125 C = -193 F   -265 C = -445 F
150 C = 302 F    10 C =  50 F   -130 C = -202 F   -270 C = -454 F
145 C = 293 F     5 C =  41 F   -135 C = -211 F   -275 C = -463 F


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