Dark Necron
Nastenka / Message Board    Pomoc / Help    Virtual/Numbers


100%              Pure Aryan
4/19              April 19, 1993 (Waco) & 1995 (Oklahoma City)
4/20              April 20, 1889 -- Adolf Hitler's birthday
33/6              3 times 11th letter, 6th era of Ku-Klux-Klan
311          KKK  Ku-Klux-Klan -- 3 times 11th alphabet letter
666               the Number of the Beast -- Revelation 13:18
88           HH   Heil Hitler -- 8th & 8th alphabet letter 
83           HC   Heil Christ -- 8th & 3rd alphabet letter
28           BH   Blood & Honour -- 2nd & 8th alphabet letter
18           AH   Adolf Hitler -- 1st & 8th alphabet letter
23           W    White -- 23rd alphabet letter
5                 "I have nothing to say." -- Alex Curtis
14                "We must secure the existence ~ -- David Lane


RAHOWA            Racial Holy War
ORION             Our Race is Our Nation
UEHT              Unsere Ehre heisst Treue
WPWW              White Pride World Wide
ACAB              All Cops Are Bastards
AYAK              Are You a Klansman?
AKIA              A Klansman I Am
KIGY              Klansman, I Greet You
KKK               Ku-Klux-Klan
DOC               Disciples of Christ
ROA               Race Over All
SWP               Supreme White Power
UAO               United As One
JOG               Jewish-Occupied Government
ZOG               Zionist-Occupied Government
CI                Christian Identity


SELP RecordsOmen's Web EngineXANT