Nastenka / Message Board Pomoc / Help Virtual/TVShows Th1rteen R3asons Why The Tapes: [subjects] 2017-03-31 * 101 The First Kiss [1 Justin Foley] 2017-03-31 102 Three Friends [2 Jessica Davis] 2017-03-31 103 The Best/Worst List ["Yeth."][3 Alex Standall] 2017-03-31 104 The Stalker [4 Tyler Down] 2017-03-31 * 105 Winter Formal [5 Courtney Crimsen] 2017-03-31 106 Dollar Valentine [6 Marcus Cole] 2017-03-31 * 107 Positive Notes [7 Zach Dempsey] 2017-03-31 * 108 A Stolen Poem [8 Ryan Shaver] 2017-03-31 109 The Rape [9 Justin Foley] 2017-03-31 110 The Car Accident [10 Sheri Holland] 2017-03-31 * 111 "Leave Me Alone" [11 Clay Jensen] 2017-03-31 112 The Rapist [12 Bryce Walker] 2017-03-31 * 113 Hannah Alone [13 Kevin Porter / 14 Admission] 2017-03-31 1SP Beyond the Reasons The Trial: [testimonies] 2018-05-18 * 201 The First Polaroid [Tyler Down] 2018-05-18 * 202 Two Girls Kissing [Courtney Crimsen] 2018-05-18 203 The Drunk Slut [Jessica Davis] 2018-05-18 204 The Second Polaroid [Marcus Cole] 2018-05-18 205 The Chalk Machine [Ryan Shaver] 2018-05-18 * 206 The Smile at the End of the Dock [Zach Dempsey] 2018-05-18 207 The Third Polaroid [Clay Jensen] 2018-05-18 208 The Little Girl [Andrew Baker & Olivia Baker] 2018-05-18 * 209 The Missing Page [Pam Bradley & Kevin Porter] 2018-05-18 * 210 Smile, Bitches! [Sarah Carlin & Tony Padilla] 2018-05-18 211 Bryce and Chloe [Bryce Walker & Chloe Rice] 2018-05-18 212 The Box of Polaroids [Justin Foley] 2018-05-18 * 213 Bye [11 reasons why not] 2018-05-18 2SP Beyond the Reasons The Murder: [characters / evidence item] 2019-08-23 * 301 Yeah. I'm the New Girl [Clay Jensen / lock] 2019-08-23 * 302 If You're Breathing, You're a Liar [Chloe Rice & Zach Dempsey / rabbit's paw] 2019-08-23 303 The Good Person is Indistinguishable from the Bad [Jessica Davis & Justin Foley / letter] 2019-08-23 304 Angry, Young and Man [Tyler Down / gun] 2019-08-23 305 Nobody's Clean [Alex Standall / steroid bottle] 2019-08-23 306 You Can Tell the Heart of a Man by How He Grieves [Barry Walker & Tony Padilla / folder] 2019-08-23 307, There Are a Number of Problems with Clay Jensen [Clay Jensen & Ani Achola / panties] 2019-08-23 308 In High School, Even on a Good Day, It's Hard to Tell Who's on Your Side [Kevin Porter / journal] 2019-08-23 309 Always Waiting for the Next Bad News [Justin Foley & Seth Massey / oxy bottle] 2019-08-23 * 310 The World Closing In [Olivia Baker & Tony Padilla / key] 2019-08-23 311 There Are a Few Things I Haven't Told You [Clay Jensen & Tyler Down / smart phone] 2019-08-23 * 312 And Then the Hurricane Hit [survivors] [Clay Jensen & Zach Dempsey / paint can] 2019-08-23 * 313 Let the Dead Bury the Dead [Alex Standall & Jessica Davis / Bryce's tape] ^(")^