Nastenka / Message Board Pomoc / Help Virtual/Gallery Beneath the Simpsons 0210 "Bart Gets Hit by a Car" [#7F10] Skeletons of some creatures and Hell beneath the Springfield General Hospital0303 "Flaming Moe's" [#8F08] Asbestos under Lisa's room
0313 "Radio Bart" [#8F11] A triceratops skeleton, treasure chest and flying saucer near the well Bart fell in
0318 "Separate Vocations" [#8F15] - A snake under Bart's classtroom
0322 "The Otto Show" [#8F21] A lot of gold under Lisa's room
0521 "Lady Bouvier's Lover" [#1F21] A tape recorder under Maggie's room
0616 "Bart vs. Australia" [#2F13] Skeletons of some creatures beneath America, Vishnu operating in the centre of the Earth, and a wreck of Skylab beneath Australia
0619 "Lisa's Wedding" [#2F15] Worker's skeleton, treasure chest and Martin's lair beneath Springfield Elementary School
0707 "King Size Homer" [#3F05] Skeletons of Itchi and Scratchy under the corn field
0709 "Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming" [#3F08] Emergency rations and control room beneath Springfield Air Force Base
0721 "22 Short Films About Springfield" [#3F18] A mouse skeleton above Comic Book Guy's shop
0808 "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer" [#3F24] NSA, FBI, ATF, CIA, KGB and MCI wires under Simpsons' master bedroom
0821 "In Marge We Trust [#4F18]" Snowball II under Simpsons' master bedroom
1404 "Large Marge [#DABF18]" Dinosaurs hatching under Simpson's master bedroom